Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Plant Now & Thank Yourself Later
We want to help your savings flourish. That’s why we’ve crafted our certificates of deposit (CD) to help you achieve your goals – just sit back and watch your savings grow!
Our CDs are a great option if you’re looking for a smart way to invest. Snag the perfect one for you!
CD benefits include:
- Save safely with federally insured deposits up to $250,000
- Simple, reliable savings
- Monthly dividends
- A powerful set of online tools made to help you save
- Customizable terms to suit how you want to save – from as little as 3 months up to 60 months

A designated account meant to help you save money. It is more difficult to access the funds in this account than it is with a checking account.
Account held for a specific amount of time that earns dividends throughout the specified time period. CDs typically have higher rates than savings accounts, but penalties apply if you withdraw before the certificate expires.

Certificate Laddering
Take your certificate savings to the next level with a strategy known as CD laddering! This is a great way to make the most of higher dividend rates without tying up all your funds in one long term certificate account. You can safely invest while still having access to cash when you need it – or save even more down the line!
Money Market
A designated account meant to help you save money. It is more difficult to access the funds in this account than it is with a checking account.

What’s the Best Savings Route for You?
With so many ways to save, it takes time to find the right savings option that’ll help you reach your goals. Ready to take a look at how your savings are stacking up?
Stop by our Financial Training Ground page and visit the Planning and Saving section for free hand-picked tips and resources to help you head towards your savings goals.
Teller Express
Access your accounts and loans 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with Horizon’s Teller Express! Just by using your phone, you have the power to access your accounts easily anywhere, at any time. Check balances, make deposits and withdrawals, transfer money between accounts, make a loan payment and more!
Reach out to us for your PIN and start using Teller Express today!